Ice ice baby...
Hari Hari to Franz Josef 63km Slept late this morning (after our late night in Hokitika watching the tennis final) so only on the road at 8:48. Made it less than 5min down the road before being distracted by the display commemorating Guy Menzie's ignominious arrival at Harihari after his ground-breaking (literally) solo flight from Oz in 1931. Who knew? The weather was more like what was forecast on Sunday for today, rather than what was forecast yesterday. Following so far..? Dry, cloudy, humid, warm... Reasonable for cycling, great for some atmospheric mountain photos. Particularly from high on the Mount Hercules ridge. Although this is less than 200m high, the ups and downs of the day added up to 941m in ascent, albeit mostly fairly gradual. My concentration lapsed on one climb, and we were passed by a truck & trailer on a blind bend, solid yellow line, traffic coming the other way; scary! Normally if I can't see round a corner or over a brow I move out to prevent anythi...